Press Release: ABSW to Pursue Right to Vote on Incorporation during 2018 Legislation Session

February 13, 2018 – ABSW continues work to explore ideas for more effective and responsive governance as South Walton grows. Our primary goal is to give the residents of South Walton a new, transparent view of a forward-looking vision for our community.

South Walton is an amazing place with a distinctive character and charm that draws over 3 million visitors per year and whose permanent resident base increases annually. Our growing community presents unique challenges that require the community to consider new ideas.

Through the support of our many volunteers and donors, over the past two years ABSW has held 13 public town hall meetings and charter workshops along with over 25 smaller meetings with various organizations and community groups. Numerous discussions were held with state and local elected officials and staff. We’re proud to have developed a feasibility study and charter showing that if the voters of South Walton want to bring decision making closer to home, it can be done.

With the incorporation of the Town of South Walton becoming a mainstream idea, our residents continue to share ideas as they envision life with local leadership. This important decision for our community requires ongoing close examination and critical reflection as the opportunities, benefits and risks are further considered. In the coming months ABSW will continue to work with our state and local representatives to come together for a better South Walton. We are planning a series of community forums including experts from others cities that will help us all understand our choice. The schedule will be announced soon. ABSW will continue to strive to bring the most current information to our community as we gain new insights from meetings and discussions with our residents, the county, the state and other municipalities.

ABSW will always represent South Walton as this special community demands, with open ears and an open mind. As always, we welcome your ideas and appreciate your support as we forge a new vision for this place we all love and call South Walton.