
Petition for Referendum to Consider the Incorporation of South Walton County

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Many residents of the area of south Walton County are interested in having a greater, more effective voice in local affairs affecting their community and how local taxes are spent. Planning and zoning decisions are often important decisions affecting the character, nature and future quality of the south Walton area. The creation of a municipality will provide the citizens of the south Walton area greater authority to make decisions regarding planning and zoning as well as long range planning for the future. Creating a municipality with local representation will also address essential infrastructure modifications to provide for existing and future population and development growth.

A new municipality would ensure that a group of elected, local resident officials would govern South Walton. This petition is for one purpose: To demonstrate support in signature form to be presented to the Walton County Local Delegation of the Florida Legislature. The petition asks the Legislature to allow the citizens of south Walton County to vote “yes” or “no” in a future referendum to create a new municipality in south Walton County.

The state has recognized that cities can play an important local government role and allows for the creation of a municipal form of local government in Article 8, Section 1.2 of the Florida Constitution.

The feasibility study concludes that the incorporation of south Walton is feasible and the proposed municipality will be self-sufficient.

We, the legal residents and property owners of the proposed area for incorporation commonly referred to as south Walton County, indicate our desire for the opportunity to consider municipal incorporation. Our signatures below express our support for a special legislative act and a voter referendum so that the community can decide whether to create a new municipality.