Article: South Walton group moves forward with effort to incorporate

The group A Better South Walton continues to march forward in its quest to bring incorporation to the southern part of the county.

Roughly 150 people attended Tuesday night’s informational town hall meeting at Rosemary Beach Town Hall that saw a full house and standing room-only crowd.

“Why are we doing this?” ABSW President David Pleat asked rhetorically. “We are passionate about where we live. And if left on its current course, we will lose what makes it special.”

The group made the point that the population of South Walton has doubled in the last 20 years, going from a very rural community to more urban.

“As such, all the communities deserve a municipal form of government to solve their problems,” said ABSW vice president Dave Rauschkolb. “We are one of the largest counties in the state with a population of 63,000.”

The proposed municipality will have 75 square miles and a population of 24,000 from county line to county line.

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